- Rani Ahmad برنامه ها

General Engineering Free 1.9
This application consolidates as many as itcan of important engineering formulas while giving the chance forany engineer to apply the formulas through organized ready forms.Get rid of the advertisements by buying the General Engineering(Paid) version.This free version has STOPPED adding calculation modules. It willonly fix any possible bugs.New modules are ONLY added to the paid version.Any positive constructive critique is welcome. And if you wantmore modules to be added, we'll be very glad to do so.But please concentrate on important hard-to-follow formulas whencalculating manually. This application is meant to easecalculations without getting lost between the variables of theengineering equation or formula.Please write the review in either English or Arabic. Thecomputer translation is weak.Please read the description till the bottom. It's important.In this application, You can send the calculation resultsvia:- Email (at least get Gmail client for Android installed)- Skype (if installed)- SMS (The usual classic mobile messaging).- In paid version only: A log of all calculations done with a timestamp so you don't have to repeat calculating them.The application covers the following topics:A table of units.A table of physical constants.Forward and backward conversion between units (more than 50conversions).From applied maths for engineers:1- Geometry area and volume.2- Finding the location of centroids of important shapes.3- Finding the roots of 2nd,3rd,4th, and 5th degree equations withcomplex roots too.From electrical and electronic engineering:1- A module for Ohm's Law . It helps you find eitherPower,Resistance, Intensity, or Voltage.2- Resultant sum of either of Resistances, Capacitors, orInductances whether they are in series or in parallel. you can haveup to 10 elements (which is more than enough)3- A module to find the change in the value of the motor resistanceof the wire windings after getting some heat through runtime4- Voltage Drop5- Resistance value using colour codes6- Wheatstone Bridge7- Butterworth Tee LC Filters (High pass and Low pass)8- Chebychev Tee LC Filters (High pass and Low pass)9- Butterworth equal component Filters (High pass and Lowpass)10- Pi attenuator11- T-attenuator12- Helix Antenna Design13- Battery life14- BJT Transistor Bias Voltage Calculation15- Non-inverting op-Amp resistor16- Zener diode17- Radar RangeFrom Mechanical Engineering:1- Resultant sum of two forces acting at the same point2- Using the altitude and the latitude given by the GPS in thephone, find the exact value of the gravitational acceleration ofthe earth.3- Rectangular Beam Deflection (hollow and solid)4- Round Beam Deflection (hollow and solid)5- Internal screw thread shear area6- External screw thread shear area7- Cam-with-follower Profile determination. here you can see boththe coordinates of the profile of the cam on a step of 1 degreeonly, and get the profile plotted so you can see how it would looklike.The following are Functional ONLY in the Paid versionElect.Eng.:*- Light Lux meterM.Eng.:*- Shear and Shear Force*- Cartesian Fluid Flow Analysis.*- Beams : Moment of inertia+Section Modulus+Radius ofGyration.*- Beams : Stress & Deflection studies.*- Interpolation on Saturated Steam Tables*- Heat transfer through walls.*- Heat loss from pipes wrapped with insulators.Notice:=====The application uses GPS. It's used only in taking the coordinatesfor the sake of calculations. If you are in doubt that we mightsteal your coordinates, you can use the manual input option. Youhave been warned. Thanks.-*
Tutorials in Tcl/Rivet Free 12.0
This app is a video playlist of tutorials.This app teaches how to write websites using Tcl scriptinglanguage and the Rivet library . Most websites are usually writtenthese days using PHP. However, the next coming trend in webscripting at the server side and making a coup against PHP isTcl/Rivet.You can see my own website ( is completely writtenusing Rivet. Just click on the developer web site link below thisdescription to reach it.Tcl is really easy to learn.This series is for those who already know Tcl but need to have agrip on Rivet.This free version allows you to reach ONLY 3 videos. and theyare _intentionally_ not full screen. so please don't complain aboutthem not full screen.Want the full screen version?? go here: is another full series about Tcl and Tk (GUIdesktop/android programming) find it here on play store.
Tcl/AndroWish Tutorials Free 1.0-1
Learn , FOR FREE, How to make Androidapplications from Tcl/Tk scripts using the AndroWishtechnology.This is a hidden YouTube playlist given to you for free.The good thing about this technology is that you can port thevery same Tcl/Tk code without any change into your Androidapplication project.Be it Linux, Mac OS X , FreeBSD, or Windows, you can run thevery same code on any of these operating systems, need any Androidemulation to just test your code before publishing your app.YES! Learn how to make money from ONLY Tcl/Tk scripting , whichis the fastest way to execute your programming projects. No need tomake applications in Java any more!If you don't know how to write Tcl/Tk , please we recommend thatyou download this application: a demo app written using Tcl/AndroWish, try this fullyworking a small shop cash register machine:
Astrophysics In Action 2.4.1
This application is free and ad-based. Thereis an ad free app.It's a consolidation of astrophysics formulae and get them intoaction through forms for calculation.This way the formulae are given some action and some life.Some topics in Astrophysics has its group of formulae , of course;therefore, each is accompanied with some information about it byclicking the menu button.Please ask us for features that you think as an astrophysicistrequire to be added to this application.Please notice since this is a free application, criticize itconstructively since in the end the application is made for you.However, the newer formulae you ask us asked to add them, they willgo into the paid version.Please write the review in either English or Arabic. Thecomputer translation is weak.The app also has also an activity to count the stars .Please don't forget to try our other applications.Topics covered yet:- Convert time units to degrees . This module can use your systemclock also.- Solid Angle Measurement- Angular Distance Between Two Points On A Sphere- Find The Date of Easter In A Year- Find Day Number In A Year- Convert Between Julian Date And GMT Date- Earth Globe Formulae- Conversion Between Equatorial And Ecliptic Coordinates- Mean Sidereal Time At GMT- Parallactic Angle- Angular Separation Between Two Celestial Bodies- Check If Three Stars Or Planets Make A Straight Line- Precession Using Low Accuracy Method- Coulomb's Law : force between two charges.- Kepler's Law: Escape Velocity and Orbital velocity at any pointon the orbit- Star Counter: Use your camera to count the number of stars.Notice:=====The application uses GPS. It's used only in taking the coordinatesfor the sake of calculations. If you are in doubt that we mightsteal your coordinates, you can use the manual input option. Youhave been warned. Thanks.
Concert Lights 1.3.1-3
Run the phone light torch as a controlled flashing light forparties & concerts.
The Palestinian Compass 2.4.1
This is a free Muslim qiblah compass used inprayers that celebrates the victory in the war of November 2012against Gaza strip.It uses the map of Palestine as the magnetic compasspointer.For qiblah it uses a pointer/arrow that has a modification of thePalestinian flag with its colours : Red, Black, Green andWhite.You have to turn On the GPS and stand outdoors to get a newqiblah direction.Please write the review in either English or Arabic. Thecomputer translation is weak.
Tutorials in Tcl/Tk (Free) 11.0-2
GET NOW THE FULL VERSION FOR 2 DOLLARS ONLY,LIMITED PERIOD OF TIME. HURRY!Tcl is the next trend in web server side scripting language as wellas on the desktop using the GUI library Tk. This Android app has 36videos that teaches you server side and desktop side scripting.Please use a big display to watch the videos. It'simportant.The videos are in spoken English by default. If you change thelanguage of your Android to Arabic, you'll get the videos in spokenArabicIf for any reason you cannot get this app, tell us.VERY IMPORTANT NOTICE: You must have the latest YouTube PlayerFor Android installed. The minimum player required version is4.2.16 . This application will tell you the installed version ifnot compatible.This version has the advertisements PLUS allowing only the 1st 3three videos in the playlist.This video tutorials playlist is the 1st ever made about Tcl/Tkand you'll never find anywhere yet who has a similarly complete setof series that goes into the details.
نكت العرب 1.6
مجرد مجموعة طويلة نكت مقدمة لكم مجانا.يجمعحوالي 750 نكتة او اكثر في برنامج واحد. اقراها كل يوم و فرفش عنكورفقاتك!افضل نكتة لدينا هي التي جعلت صوت الضحكة تعلو الحد الاقصى قدرالامكانو لها معنى قوي.ملاحظات هامة:1- بعض النكت قد تكون جارحة بعض الشيء لبعض الناس. نرجو صبركمحلمكمعلينا. هذا جمعٌ لما قالته العرب من نكت خلال السنواتالماضية.2- اذا كان لديك نكتة غير موجودة مطلقا بموضوع او مغزى غير مذكوربينهذه النكت, نحن نرحب, و بقوة , ان ترسلها لنا.3- لا نقبل النكت الجنسية الاباحية. ﻷنها نكت غير ذكية مطلقا.Just set the longjokesIntroduction to you for free. Combines a joke about 750 ormore ina single program. I read them every day and you VerwhandRvqatk!Best joke we have is what made the sound of laughter abovethemaximum extent possible, and have a strong meaning.Important Notes:1 Some jokes may be a bit hurtful to some people. We hope yourdreamfor your patience. This collection of what was said by theArabs ofjokes over the past years.2 If you have a joke does not exist at all, or the significanceofthe subject is mentioned among these jokes, we welcome,andstrongly, that you send us.3 do not accept sexual jokes porn. Jokes because it isneversmart.
The Lebanese Compass 2.4
This is just free admob based app. it's justaNSEW compass whose arrow is the map of Lebanon .It has also the flag of Lebanon fixed in a way to be theMuslimprayers quibla direction, the heading to Mecca city.Enjoy.Add your recommendations about the images of both directionarrows,the NSEW and the quibla.
Sqlite Merger 1.3
Merge SQLite database files and blend them into a single SQLitefile
GPS Issue Tracker 1.1
Issue Tracker with GPS recorded and picture uploaded